
TED Ed Videos

A collection of TED Ed videos that I have written scripts for that relate to economics, specifically game theory.

How to Outsmart the Prisoner's Dilemma

Puzzle through the classic game theory challenge, The Prisoner’s Dilemma, and decide: would you choose to spare or sacrifice?

You can find the full lesson here.

Can You Predict Human Behavior?

Solve this classic game theory challenge: given integers from 0 to 100, what would the number closest to ⅔ of the average of all numbers guessed be?

You can find the full lesson here.

Class Material

Some materials from the courses I have been a teaching assistant for at Columbia.

Data TA

  • For notes on how to use R for economics, please take a look at my colleague (and former data TA) Len's notes.

  • For notes on how to use Stata, please see this guide.

  • For an excellent primer on how to use Python in economics, it is useful to look at the lectures of Sargent and Stachurski found here. Most data analysis in Python utilizes the popular Pandas package. Please see the documentation for this package here.

Undergraduate Econometrics

A review sheet and corresponding slides from my time as a TA for undergraduate econometrics.